Upload files in database
I need to build a decision integration with a form where users have the option to upload data files.
I want to upload these files in the database and not SFTP/FTP as is presented in documentation.Files are not supposed to be big in file’s size, size is not a problem.
Perhaps I should not mention this, users must be able to download these files when they are assigned with a task on the form.Database that in use by Decision application is MSSQL.
Please let me know if is possible to do this?Thanks
Yes, this is completely possible! I attached a link to our documentation that details making use of the File Upload/Download form components.
You can have a database structure built that stores user input in a form, and also store any files that were uploaded as well.
I hope this helps!
Hi Ethan,
I have a database structure built to stores the user input in the form but is not clear for me what "Type" to use for the field in charge to store the files in the database structure? in example that you posted “Name" and "Email Address" will be stored in the database structure as "String" fields but for files what type are you going to use?
For MSSQL server we are supposed to use a blob type for the field in charge to store files, but this type is not available in decision’s GUI when we want to create a data structure.Thanks
John -
Hi John,
You can use File Data or File Reference type on the data structure for storing files.
The major difference is with File Data, the files are kept in memory whereas for File References, the Files get stored on the file system and retrieved by a reference id when the file is required. If you are expecting to work with a lot of files and/or large files, it is recommended to use File References.
You can more information on these types at https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/file-type-overview.
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