Need help embedding a form on an intranet site
[color=#141414]Can you help me with deploying a form on our intranet website? Our intranet site does require authentication via single sign-on at our university. I have created a simple flow with a form. The form works OK in the Debugger. Using Integrations for that flow, I can get a direct URL for the form and navigate to it OK (after authenticating). That’s fine, but I would like to embed the form within a page on our intranet website (Integrations Embed Type set to “Website”). When I do this, the form does not render on our page. I have already authenticated this page on our intranet site using Chrome. I’ve tried variations on the settings with no success. Any help would be appreciated! [/color]
Go ahead and remove the “&Action=api” from the end of the src URL and the form should render within the page. The sizing will be incorrect however (it renders too large so there are scroll bars), but it’s easy to fix! When embedding a form in a web page, the "Embed" / "Iframe" tags wont automatically scale to the size of the Form. The Embed tags "Height" and "Width" attributes may resolve this for you. Here is an example Embed tag on how this might look in your HTML document:These tags are measured in pixels, which will need to be matched to the dimensions of your Form. You can find the dimensions of your Form in the Form Designer by clicking the whitespace in the background. Looking on the right side in the Properties tab, there is a Design Size section with the width and height of your form. While Decisions is unable to directly control the exact formatting of your web page, I will include this information here as well just for your reference on how you may control where/ how the Form displays within the constraints of its parent container on the page. These properties can be found in your flows "Integration Details" page, which instruct Decisions on how the Form is supposed to render (see attached image "display rendering"), by generating a URL with additional URL parameters. These parameters can modify render properties such as the location of the form on the page, size of the Form, etc.
Hope this helps!
-Ryan S.
[i]edited by on 9/19/2019[/i]
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