Project Export taking up a large amount of space
[color=#141414]In our production environment, when I export a project, the result is a 153 MB zip file. Why is this so large? The export includes about 2000 data objects, but these are Folder items; example file names in the exported zip file include: Folder__[fb39257704464a199a1642439b70ec59]d46a4a0151644aa5a222a2296cec5bf.decObj Folder[fbbd6f46c6c747bca994732feb4b6ade]__fc7f7de2b1314649be7ac6855b4647e.decObj How can we remove the association between these 2000 items and our project? [/color]
Hi Leo, It looks like some transactional data related to running your processes is being included, which is inflating the file size of your exports. Currently, when creating a project export, this data is included implicitly and requires the user to manually exclude this data in the export window. Follow these steps below and we can work around this. 1. Query the module_resource table for the relevant project name (under column : module_name). 2. Identify which rows are related to the unwanted transactional data by identifying the related type(s) using the column entity_logical_type_name. 3. Run queries against the rows identified as relating to unwanted data, to delete them from the module_resource table. 4. Restart SHM. The project should now export without this data (although it may still prompt you to re-associate this data in the export wizard, which is something we are looking to handle better in the future). Hope this helps! -Ryan S.
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