Having a data grid update during run time
I am trying to have my data grid update when I add information to from a subdialog flow. How would I go about setting that up? -
What you would want to do is setup a trigger for your data flow run on your form. In this example a set up the trigger as an invisible check box whose change in value will trigger the data flow to run again each time the sub-dialog flow finishes.
[img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/CayHAFmCsp3I4VoTqYH1m9H4dff9LiCsLy6_RsLsJfJM35aLGq0z-FuDQg8Pv9oEyIHudkAhKj4el2p0f395KolEXNjPIR2y63MLex2yMaSKumGCgUKisl7tTTiiYWtNz9nSCmog[/img]Notice the changes between the first and last screenshot. IF you run into trouble setting this please contact support
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