How to make buttons uniform?
I noticed when adding a file upload button to a form in decisions it isn’t the same height as the usual buttons I use and resizing using the grids isn’t working. Is there a way to make all the buttons I use uniform? -
The button sizes in Decisions can be modified using CSS. What you can do is create a stylesheet for your buttons and apply that to your form. If you need a quick fix you can actually select your button in the form designer and go to [b]Views [/b]in the properties on the right of the form designer and enter “[b]full-size[/b]” in the [b]CSS Class[/b] field that will make your button uniform with the other buttons. This is a known issue that will be resolved in future versions.
[i]edited by on 9/6/2019[/i]
[i]edited by on 9/6/2019[/i]
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