Decisions6 Trial Version Installation giving error
Starting Downloading the Installers
Downloading Installers from:
Downloading Services
Downloading File ./downloadedDecisions.Services.x64.msi.
Installers successfully downloaded
Shutting down SHM
Uninstalling Decisions
Removing old /H virtual directory
Removing old /HUI virtual directory
Removing old /SL virtual directory
Deleting virtual directory
Stopping IIS
Stopping Service Host Manager.
Service Host Manager stopped successfully.
Uninstalling Service Host Manager Watcher.
Service Host Manager Watcher uninstalled successfully.
Uninstalling Service Host Manager.
Service Host Manager uninstalled successfully.
UnInstalling Decisions Services
Decisions Services successfully UnInstalled
Uninstalling CLI Host.
error deleting registry key SoftwareDecisionsCLI Host
CLI Host uninstalled successfully.
Service Host Manager installation path: C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager
Checking IIS is Running
Starting IIS
Registering ASP.NET
Registering WCF
Installing Application Server.
Installing Decisions Services D:Users
Decisions services installed successfully
writing settings file
Cleaning Up Wrapper Cache
Starting Service Host Manager Service
Waiting for Service Host Manager to start
Move Log Files
Hosting Control Configuration Setup
Start communication with SHM Watcher
Enforce Database Exists
Ensure Clean Moved Dlls Directories Exist
Ensure Service Endpoints
Open Push Sockets for Client Communication
Start Primary Instance
Error starting Service Host ManagerDecisionsFramework.LoggedException: error executing sql script from file : C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services ManagerModulesDecisions.CoreSQLMSSQLsp_CreateElementRegistrationBackup.sql ---> DecisionsFramework.LoggedException: could not process sql statement ---> DecisionsFramework.LoggedException: Error message: concat is not a recognized built-in function name.Please help checking!
This appears to be an issue with the database permissions of the sql server user that is being used with Decisions. Make sure that your sql user has sa privileges.
Howdy, Stranger!
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