Child Cases duplicating in database
We have a project that creates a Case. When the Case is created a trigger flow is kicked off that creates a child case inside the original Case folder (parent case). When we look in the backend database at the 2 separate tables we see one entry in the parent table as expected but we see 3 entries in the child case table where we would expect only one. The 2 additional records on the child case are all null values. (see attached excel file of DB child case table). As we move through the flows and additional cases are created and they have their own child cases created (recorded in the same child case table) we see anywhere from 3 to 6 records for the same entry with null values. The case ids for each additional record are sequential. Checking the case folder in decisions studio you only see the original case id (i.e the first one) and not the duplications and you do see a gap in case ids (i.e CaseId 001 followed by CaseId004 but CaseId002, 003 are recorded in the backend DB table).
Can you advise if there is something we are overlooking to prevent this happening or is this normal behaviour? -
Hello Scott,
It may be best to discuss this issue in more depth through a support ticket. A support ticket has been submitted on your behalf, and you should receive an email with the following tracking number: [T-023335]
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