Database/Query performance optimization
Good morrow, Decisions Support-
Can you provide recommendations on how to optimize the performance of some SQL queries?
We have encountered a query timeout error when running queries against our Decisions database.
Also, thanks to AWS’ RDS Performance Insights tool, I can see the expensive queries that are being run against the Decisions DB.
Based on the DB activity patterns I’m seeing, it looks like we have a that query takes about 5 minutes to return each time it’s run, and I believe this query runs every hour (or possibly more frequently). During this period, CPU utilization spikes, as do read and write IOPS.
For your reference, the table currently has 3.6 million rows in it and occupies 7 GB of space (1.3GB of which is consumed by existing indexes).
Would generating a new index or rebuilding an existing one offer any improvements here?
You could try using the database engine tuning advisor thats built into smss:
This will identify any performance bottlenecks in your queries and indexes!
Howdy, Stranger!
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