Dynamic Popup Recipient
I am looking to utilize a popup message which can be delivered to a user mapped in earlier in the flow. I see a way to specify an account, but there does not appear to be an option to select the recipient from flow.
Is there any way to make something like this work? -
Hello! Yes there is a way to accomplish this. Instead of using the "ShowPopup" flow step you will need to use the "Send Notification" flow step. This step can send notifications in the form of a popup and has the "select from flow" option. Here is a screen shot for details. [img]att1[/img]
[i]edited by jared@decisions.com on 8/23/2019[/i] -
This does allow for a specific user, so thank you for the suggestion. However, the user dashboards we use are displayed with Chrome=Off. This means that we have to specify the popup location to be center. The Send Notification step does not appear to have the ability to specify the popup location. Any ideas on a way to set this?
Currently, there is no way to specify the popup location when using the send notification flow step. A feature request has been created to have that feature added to the send notification step. We hope this capability will be added to the send notification step soon.
Coming up on the 2 year anniversary for this post. I do not see this functionality in 6.17.1. Is this still under development as a feature request?
I can see that this is still under development. Let me follow up with the dev team on this.
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