Understanding Cluster Settings
What do the options under clustering settings do?
[i]edited by Will@decisions.com on 8/16/2019[/i] -
Setting up Clustering with decisions can be a little tricky, especially with the way you are setting things up.
Setting up Clustering starts with three basic settings
[img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/R9ZBRYVFt3P5vDgmiz_dixEzM-9EToU0PofZJHVmiya3apzUzJlsyjdHtL460LC-HIlGP_tRxFVQ0rcF_KgbtSMAeSoguI1V2Z1h5OpocQ3OvUUmSV0fwAZndfkvQf3XfKB71lCC[/img][ul][li]Do Base URL Check - Tells the main server to check all the active servers to make sure they have the same base URL.
[/li][li]Turn on Clustering - Turns on clustering
[/li][li]Use Https - Allows the machines to communicate via HTTPS instead of HTTP.
[/li][/ul]When setting up the cluster only machine host the main server needs to have settings set. After that is set they should be able to add the other machines via their clustering settings.
Here is some Documentation that helps with setting up Clustering: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/setting-up-server-clustering]https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/setting-up-server-clustering[/url]
If this doesn’t help or you feel like your case is more unique feel free to contact support!!
[i]edited by brandon.roberts@decisions.com on 8/15/2019[/i]
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