Change the message for assignment notifications?
I would like to change out the default email template used for the notification of assignments into our own custom design and style, is this possible?
Hi Leo! You bet it is!
You’ll NEED to start with a HTML template for Decisions Emails. You either upload your own or download our default one and modify it! I’ve also attached a copy of our default to this post as well. You can find this under System > Designers > Email Templates. Click the Default Template and download it if you’d like to modify our default, or download the empty one if you’d like to make your own.
Once you have your template ready to go, navigate back to the Email Templates and click Add at the bottom. Once your file is in Decisions, go to System > Administration > Notifications > Default Notifications. Click the entry marked “Notify to Assigned” and click “Edit” on the menu. There is a drop down field towards the bottom that has the template field - click it and select the Template you just added!
Hope this helps!
-Ryan S[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
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