Unable to update CSS Document
We run into a situation when uploading a css file using the css designer updload, a error message gets returned. The css content gets wiped out as well. The message below is what we received: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.FrameworkFault]: error creating archived version. documentId 22a92099-5d5e-11e9-80c8-0050569b7b30 (Fault Detail is equal to DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.FrameworkFault).
This should be resolved in 5.10 and newer.
If you are in an older version, you may use these steps as a temporary workaround:
Use the Query Editor in 5.0 to run these statements against your database when needed. Alternatively, you may run these directly in SQL Management Studio.
[i]select entity_name, * from document where document_reference_id = ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_ID_HERE[/i]
[ul][li]Example: select entity_name, * from document where document_reference_id = 6535a2ah-a940-14e8-80c8-05088k98643f[/li][li]Confirm that all of the files here are archived versions of the original. This will be indicated with (archived) included at the end of the entity name. Once youve confirmed these are alright to delete, run the delete statement below.[/li][/ul]
[i]delete from document where document_reference_id = ORIGINAL_DOCUMENT_ID_HERE[/i][b]Note: [/b]To find the document reference id, youll need to login to your Decisions instance and navigate to the CSS folder (in System > Designers > Css). Right click on the css file at issue and select Manage > Get Document Id. A form should popup with the ID you need for the query.
Once youve deleted the archived documents from the database, you will need to restart Service Host Manager to apply these changes by right clicking on the System folder and selecting Restart instance. Additionally, youll want to click on the System Restart popup to adjust the restart time. By default, its 5 minutes. (Alternatively, you may restart services on by restarting Service Host Manager from Windows Services in your application server.)
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