Question about Save Data Sample Step
I have a couple questions about the ‘Save Data Sample’ step. What is it used for? Why would I use this over a Unit Test?
Hi Leo! The Save Data Sample step does basically what it says it does! It saves the current values as a data sample for testing in the debugger for use later. You can think of it as a bit more advanced Unit Test.
A Unit Test is limited by the fact that we have to manually specify every input in order to test it. A Data Sample can be generated by debugging a flow on a first run and saving the data. This will capture all input values and what they currently are. It makes debugging large sets of data, or data that will be changing, much easier!
I’ve attached an example of a basic flow using the Save Data Sample step to save the input data of 2 values being added together. The end result is a Data Sample being created with the defined values.
Hope this helps!
-Ryan S
[i]edited by on 8/12/2019[/i]
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