\Is Blocking\" checkbox on a form"
When creating a data flow on a form, what does "Is Blocking" mean/do and why is it defaulted to true?
Unchecking this solves an issue on a form Im working on but I’m not sure why? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Leo!
When blocking is checked, the data flows are run synchronously. If unchecked, they run asynchronously.
Hope this helps/answers this for you!
Reach out if you have any further questions!-Ryan S.
[i]edited by Brendan@decisions.com on 10/18/2019[/i] -
Hello! Just wanted to add onto Ryans reply.
When "Is Blocking" is checked, Decisions will wait until the data flow has completely loaded before it will proceed with the rest of the actions on the form, such as showing the form, refreshing the form contents, etc. This will occur every time the flow runs. When its not checked, the data flow will proceed to run in the background and is available to accept user input even if everything hasnt completely loaded. "Is Blocking" being true will essentially synchronise the dataflow contents on a form, but it also prevents a User form submitting if something hasnt completely loaded. With that turned off, the data flows will run asynchronously, and the User shouldnt be obstructed from submitting early if all the options they wanted to use had already loaded.
Hope this clarification is helpful!
Howdy, Stranger!
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