Manage Permissions on Custom Group to have access
My goal is to create Account Administrators that are specific to my Project or Application.
I have defined several custom Groups for my application. One of them is ‘Admin’.
I would like the Accounts who are members of that ‘Admin’ group to have rights to Create new accounts in Decisions and assign those users to one of the Custom Groups that I have created.
Similar to the built in Decisions Administrator group access but, if possible, limited to the account sub folder and to the Groups I have created.
Is this possible?
Thank you. -
Yes, you can set permissions to any folder in Decisions. For you use case, both accounts or group permissions would work here.
Are you looking to just give the User permission to just the Accounts folder and nothing else? If so, then that is not possible without enabling permissions on the entire system folder itself and then placing permissions on subsequent folders. As an alternative, you could try to recreate the accounts folder and its actions.
You could also create another accounts report in a separate folder where you could add permissions and actions to that. That is another alternative.Also, to recreate the Add Account action, you can create a flow that has a simple form for the parameters of the account such Email Address, Fname, Lname, and Password. After you have that form, you can pass that information into a Add New Account Step located in Integration>Accounts>AddNewAccount. That step will allow you to map in the parameter from that form to that step to create the account. You can then create a second flow to add Accounts to groups in the same manner except you will replace the AddNewAccount step with an AddGroupToUser step located in Integration>Accounts>AddGroupToUser. Doing this should allow for the behavior that you are looking for.
Thank you.
So I assume then that user would not then be able to :
1.See a list of user accounts in the system already and
2.Change passwords going forward. -
1) A user can see the list of user accounts already in the system. The report will be sourced by the accounts data source.
2) You would set up another flow that has the Change User Password step.Thank you.
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