Does Decisions 5.x support TLS 1.2?
Does Decisions 5.x support TLS 1.2?
As stated in title: does Decisions 5.x support TLS 1.2 ?
By default, does Decisions use TLS 1.0?
How would I switch from TLS 1 to the latest?
[i]edited by on 10/15/2019[/i] -
Yes, 5.x supports TLS 1.2
By default, TLS 1.0 is used.To enable TLS, you can:
Navigate to [b]System [/b]> [b]Settings [/b]> right click [b]Integration Settings [/b]> [b]Edit [/b]and change the [b]Security Option [/b]drop down from "Default" to "Secure".
This should force the use of TLS 1.2 (a restart of the Decisions Windows service "Service Host Manager" will likely be required for this change to take effect).
[i]edited by on 10/15/2019[/i]
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