Completing External Form task from flow
I have a task/assignment created by an external form. And, in certain scenario, I need to complete that task from the flow so that the flow can progress to the next step without further waiting for the users action through the external form task. I have tried using the "ProcessFormAssignmentResponse" with the relevant response value as suggested in URL "[url=][/url]" although scenario is a bit different (the image of service outcomes attached).
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
But, I keep getting the following error upon executing the separate flow with the "ProcessFormAssignmentResponse" step.
Name: Error running step Process Form Assignment Response 1[InvokeInternalServiceMethodStep] in flow [Demo Flow 3]: Form Assignment cannot be processed. There is no outcome path respecting the response: RespondReview Exception Message: Error running step Process Form Assignment Response 1[InvokeInternalServiceMethodStep] in flow [Demo Flow 3]: Form Assignment cannot be processed. There is no outcome path respecting the response: RespondReview
Input Values: -- No Data --
Exception Stack Trace: DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.ErrorRunningFlowStep: Error running step Process Form Assignment Response 1[InvokeInternalServiceMethodStep] in flow [Demo Flow 3]: Form Assignment cannot be processed. There is no outcome path respecting the response: RespondReview ---> System.Exception: Form Assignment cannot be processed. There is no outcome path respecting the response: RespondReview at DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.Assignments.AssignmentService.ProcessFormAssignmentResponse(AbstractUserContext userContext, String assignmentId, String responseName, String comment, FileData[] files) at AssignmentServiceWrapper.ProcessFormAssignmentResponse(AbstractUserContext userContext, String assignmentId, String response, String comment, FileData[] files)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
There is actually a way to do this built into the external form assignment.
If you click on "View Integration Details" on you external form, you should see a sub menu on the integration page with your services listed:[img]att6[/img]
Clicking on the service you generate, you should see a list with actions for your outcome paths:
“DesiredPathComplete” will complete the assignment on the desired outcome path. Well get this page when we click on it:
We setup our integration details as we have them configured and press the “Show” button to give us a URL. Note that in this URL, we need to replace the "string value" tag for StepTrackingID and FlowTrackingID.
In debug, the external form opens and we can see the flow tracking ID and step tracking ID in the URL:
We copy and paste those two items into the URL we grabbed from the step integration page earlier and build it out:
[img]att8[/img]When we run our built up URL, we send a request via GET to complete the flow.
[img]att3[/img]We can see in the debugger that flow is completed now:
Let me know how this solution works out for you.
[i]edited by on 8/6/2019[/i]
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