Can non-Administrators edit scheduled jobs?
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]We’re looking for a way to configure permissions for a non-Administrator, to add, edit and delete scheduled jobs. Is there a way to do this?[/font]
I dont believe we allow non-Administrators access to the Scheduled Jobs folder directly. However, you can create a non-admin view by doing the following:
1) On the scheduled jobs page, is give the desired designer all permissions, up to ‘can administrate’. This will allow your users to use the report actions for this data source.
2) Next create a folder at root (or in the desired parent folder) to use for viewing/editing scheduled jobs.
3) In the database, you will need to run the following query:update entity_folder set folder_behavior_type = DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobsFolder where folder_id = {FolderID In Step #2} Example:update entity_folder set folder_behavior_type = DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobsFolder where folder_id = 61c3c0dd-920a-11e9-a45c-9cb6d0c3a152
4) Restart Service Host Manager.
5) When you navigate back to the folder created in step 2, it should appear identical to the Scheduled Jobs folder.
Hopefully this helps!
[i]edited by on 8/16/2019[/i]
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