How to customize the My Documents page/folder?
I’m interested in overriding, replacing or otherwise modifying the page that the user sees when they select “My Account” from the title bar. Currently, this takes the user to their “My Documents” page. (Though, the name of this page can be changed in the settings.)
I need to customize this page (and displayed actions). What are my options and how to I go about it? For example, I tried creating page data. But it seems this adds a page for my personal account and would not impact all the user accounts.
Ideally, I could just create a custom page. Minimally, there are actions I need to configure.
Can someone help me with this?
From what I understand, you would like to create a custom page to display when a user clicks on “My Account”. This can be accomplished very easily with a few simple steps:
Create a Configuration Folder with PersonFolderBehavior as the type name. Please note that we recommend only having one of these folders on your Decisions instance.
Create a Page to your liking inside of the Configuration Folder. This is going to be the Page that your users see.
After you save your Page confirm that PageData is created in the Configuration Folder. You can edit the PageData to change the tab title as well as the tab order that shows up on the home page.
Navigate back to the home page. If your page doesnt show up right away try refreshing the browser, it will appear.
Lastly, if you have multiple pages set up and you want to set one of them as the default, you can right click on My Documents and navigate to Manage>Page>Set Default Page.
I really hope this helps, and if you have any other questions on how this needs to be set up, do not hesitate to reach back out to us!
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