Scheduled Jobs not working properly?
Hi all,
I have multiple scheduled jobs set to run at specific times, but they dont seem to be running at the times Ive specified. I have two jobs, lets call them Job 1 and Job 2. The first job should run every 5 minutes while the second one should run every 10 minutes.
Upon looking at their run times, Job 1 starts on time then both jobs become more and more delayed. What could be causing this issue? It looks to be configured properly. Thanks in advance
From hearing your issue, it sounds like your scheduled jobs are running the same queue, or thread pool, and delaying each other.
By default, Decisions scheduled jobs run in one queue to avoid overloading the server. This means if Job 1 starts at 9:00AM and takes 20 minutes, Job 2 cannot run until Job 1 finishes at 9:20AM. This seems to be the source of your scheduled job delay. In order to fix this, youll have to have jobs run in separate thread pools so that they run in parallel.
In order to setup new thread pools:
Navigate to System> Jobs and Events> Scheduled Jobs
If you dont have a scheduled job youd like to use, create a job (NEW SCHEDULED FLOW, NEW AD SYNC JOB, etc)
Right click the job and hit "Edit Scheduled Job"
Scroll down to the bottom of the form and there should be an "Advanced" section
Input a name in the "Override Job Queue Name"
-- This is now its designated thread pool/queue.Make this same change on Job 2 (with a different Queue Name) and they will now run in separate thread pools in parallel.
Ive pasted the link to the documentation on "Allowing a Job to Specify Thread Pools" if youd like more detail.
Howdy, Stranger!
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