How to Implement header and footer layout
I am trying to implement header and footer in all pages throughout my web application. So I would like to create a layout with header and footer, and change only the body container (instead of creating header and footer in all pages) when the user clicks navigation buttons. Please suggest me good approach to achieve this. Thanks in advance!
Hello Ruby,
In Decisions, you can create templates for pages. You can create a page with your header and footer formatted how you want, save and exit it, right click on it and navigate to this option:
I went ahead and built out a quick example for you that highlights this functions behavior.As you can see here, Ive made a very simple test page for the purposes of this demo. After creating this, I saved, exited, and clicked on "Make Template" within the right click actions menu of the file.
[img]att3[/img]Now when you go to make a new page, you should see the page you just turned into a template with the other options.
[img]att2[/img]So here Ive made another page based off of my template, where I can add different items to the middle while leaving the items from the original form the same:
[img]att1[/img]Here is some further reading on templates from our documentation site too:
Let me know if this helps!
[i]edited by on 8/2/2019[/i] -
Hello Watson,
Thank you for the clarification with example! I have created a page(header and footer information) called "Test-HeaderFooterTemplate" and made as a template, and I created a second page(while creating the page I choose Test-HeaderFooterTemplate option instead of Default) with some body content and made as template. Then I have created a flow to run the base template(header and footer) application. When I tried to debug the flow it took long time and the page got crashed. In the flow design I got the warning message "Warning: Flow calling itself as a subflow". Please let me know how to run the application.
Would it be possible to get some screenshots of your flow and of the step information?
Hi Watson,
Please find the attached screenshots.
Thanks Ruby,
I think it would be best if we set up a call to discuss your issue in more detail and walk you through a few details.
I went ahead and opened up a support ticket and sent you an email.
Howdy, Stranger!
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