Can't Access Decisions Studio Portal
We have just installed Decisions in a new environment, unfortunately whoever tries to login in cannot access to the studio section regardless his rights ( developer, administrator…). The portal section is accessible instead.
Attached a screen shot of the error message.
Also we are not able to access the website apart from the remote connection to the server where decisions is installed.
[i]edited by Moshe on 7/29/2019[/i] -
Please apply below steps.
Open settings.xml (on Notepad) on this Decisions App Server as a Windows administrator. This file is located under C:ProgramFilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager
After opening, locate the LoginPageAllowedIPs tag and add in the machines IPv6Address or IPv4Address in this field by separating with ";".
Open Host file as administrator by navigating C:WindowsSystem32driversetc
Add domain name and IP address at the bottom of the Host file
5) Restart Service Host Manager from Windows Services.
[b]Error Details:[/b]
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.FrameworkFault]: This user context can only be used from localhost (Fault Detail is equal to DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Utilities.FrameworkFault).[img][/img]
[i]edited by on 7/29/2019[/i] -
It still not work...
[i]edited by phuong on 11/28/2019[/i] -
Can you confirm youve added your machines IPv4 or IPv6 address into the LoginPageAllowedIPs tag as well as made the necessary changes in the Host file located at C:WindowsSystem32driversetc? After doing these, did you restart Service Host Manager?
Did you receive any error after doing these? Can you zip up the Logs folder found at C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services ManagerLogs and then share it please?
You need to try all 3 possible IP addresses - Ipv6, ipv4 internal, ipv4 external
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