Support required for Approving or Rejecting Assign
We have a scenario where workflows will be called via REST API calls from a WebApp, that includes Approval Assignments too. Now further requirement is to:- Access list of pending assigned tasks (approvals) for a user.
- Given the assignmentID, step ID, flow tracking ID etc, user must be able to approve (with comments) or reject (with comments) the assigned task via REST API call.
I am able to get the pending assigned tasks (point 1) but I am not able to get any step that corresponds to point 2 of my requirement.
What I am able to do till now is to create URL links like [url=http://localhost/decisions/Primary/?action=respond&assignmentId=139d825a-ab29-422d-af17-9d0f02aed6b5&responseName=Approve]http://localhost/decisions/Primary/?action=respond&assignmentId=139d825a-ab29-422d-af17-9d0f02aed6b5&responseName=Approve[/url]
with json data
userid": "" -
So there are a couple pieces to the solution that you are looking to have. You will need an assigned form created with an Action Outcome Path".These will allow you to specify a certain path via the Rest API call that allows the assigned user to approve or reject.
In this flow then sends the Assignment Id
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