Deleting Scheduled Jobs
Deleting Scheduled Jobs
How can we delete a schedule job? I see the action to disable it but I want to delete it from from the system.
[i]edited by Gruber on 7/16/2019[/i] -
Currently, we do not have an in-built action to delete Scheduled Jobs from the UI. This can be created by performing the following steps:
- Create Datatype/Integration → Configuration Extension → Add Entity Action and Configuration → Select the JobSchedule [DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.ScheduledJob.JobSchedule] type.
- In the resulting Folder, click on User Actions → Create User Action.
- Add the following step: Integration → Internal Services → ScheduledJobService → Delete.
- Choose Select From Flow as the mapping on this step and select Entity.JobScheduleID as the input.
This will create a Delete action on your Scheduled Job Report. I have attached a Project for this.
Another way to delete Scheduled Jobs is through SQL. Youll need to execute the following query:
DELETE FROM dbo.job_schedule
WHERE job_schedule_id = {Value}
[i]edited by on 7/16/2019[/i]
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