Editing Data Source Of A Report
How do we know what is the type of a data source i.e. if it is a flow, a table, query or a View and how do we open it if we dont know its type.
We are trying to Edit the above mentioned data source but it only gives us the option to Edit its name and description. How do we edit the data source?
I had a chance to look at what youve provided me and I think I have a solution for you. To view the data source type, try searching the name of what you are looking for (in this case it would be Patient) while you are in the portal. You should see your results as well as the source type to the right of those results. In the report designer, data source is appended to the type name automatically, which is why youll need to search only for Patient. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions or need any further explanation. Thank you for reaching out!
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