High memory utilization
We have one server in the Integrity Life environment that has always experienced high memory utilisation. This particular server has MSSQL running on the host VM itself (ie not RDS or AzureSQL)
MSSQL seems to gradually consume as more and more RAM, no matter how much is made available to it. This is unusual when compared to other instances in the environment that operate the exact same Decisions build (product version and project), which seem to consume minimal memory, occasionally spiking, but only for a short time. The server in question is a test server, but isn’t even the busiest (flow execution) server in the environment.
I’ve limited the memory cap on MSSQL for now to protect the OS from failure, but are there any know issues/configurations that would result in MSSQL consume so much RAM?
Thank you.
MS SQL Server is designed to use all the memory on the server by default. The min server memory and max server memory configuration options establish upper and lower limits to the amount of memory used by the buffer pool of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine. Since this issue is not related to Decisions, you can check [url=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/server-memory-server-configuration-options?view=sql-server-2017]Microsofts Server Memory Server Configuration Options[/url] page for better memory management.
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