Update Entity using flow steps.
I am working with the Update Entity step to update one piece of data in an entry on the database. (i.e. The Subscription entity, which I have fetched earlier in the flow, returns many properties, and I would like to change one and send the update back to the database).[i]
[i]How can I only update one property of this dataobject without requiring me to remap every property each time I save?[/i]
[i]edited by Brendan@decisions.com on 9/20/2019[/i] -
For Multiple Entity Updates:
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att4[/img][/font][/color]
In this first flow, we are using a Fetch Entities step to fetch from the Accounts datatype within Decisions. The ForEach step is going to take each of the accounts Ive fetched and shoot them over to the next step, which would be the Create Data step. The Create Data step is going to find the Company portion of each account and change the value to a constant that Ive set called "Decisions" as shown below.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att3[/img][/font][/color]
After my Create Data step makes the changes to Company, its going to throw those accounts back over to the ForEach step and loop them around until all of the accounts are updated. Once the accounts of been tossed around those two steps for a while, ForEach will finally finish looping and its done path will take us over to a Save Entities step. This step is going to save those changes that weve made to the Entity Results output of the Fetch Entities step thus completing the workflow and Entity updates.
For Single Entity Updates:
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att2[/img][/font][/color]
In this flow, we are starting off with the Fetch Entities step again to grab those Accounts for us again. We then get taken to a Create Data step that is going to specify which account we want to change by mapping its data definitions to Account To Change of the Accounts datatype.
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
The second Create Data step is going to be for us to modify the Data Definitions in order to make our changes in a similar fashion to how it was configured in the post above. So once the account has been specified and the changes have been made, it then goes to the Save Entities step where in this case the single entity is saved back to the entity results.
[i]edited by ryan@decisions.com on 6/20/2019[/i]
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