Modifying a Single Object in an Array
I have an array of objects called funding and I want to modify one of the objects. Theyre currently displayed in a data grid. I can select one of the items in the array. What is the flow pattern I use to modify that element?
]I select the third funding from that array via a data grid. Now I want to modify it and put it back in that array.
How do I do that?
I assume that the user is viewing this array of objects on a data grid on a form. If that is the case, you could try doing the following:
1.) Setup a data flow or sub dialog flow that is triggered via an Event Button form control.
2.) Have the inputs of the flow to be a single instance of the desired object AND a list of the object.
3.) Map the output of the data grid and the selected row from the data grid into the flow.
4.) I find that its easiest to then use the Remove From List step to remove the selected row from the list, modify the selected row, and then use the Add To List step to add the new/updated row back into the list.
5.) On the output of the flow, pass out the new/updated list. Then map that into the input of the data grid.6*.)You will need steps to create and remove your additions/removals from that list. Heres some documentation that might help:
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