Terminating HTTPS at Load Balancer
We are setting up our Production cluster of 2 servers behind a load balancer and terminating HTTPS at the load balancer so that the Load Balancer and each node communicate over HTTP. When we do this we get an issue where the portal does not fully load. It appears all squished up in the top left hand corner. We cannot get this to not occur when this config change is made. Refreshing the browser and clearing cache do nothing.
You need to edit the web.config files at the below paths to get past this issue.
C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Web Hostweb.config
C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Web HostHUIWeb.configYou need to add the below setting to each of these files, save them, and then restart Service Host Manager
[i]edited by Will@decisions.com on 6/6/2019[/i]
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