CS files missing from CodeBuckets on Upgrade
We upgraded from 3.5 to 5.7 and are missing "FlowOutcomes" CS files in the C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services ManagerInstancesControlCodeBuckets directory.
These files are tied to the Simple Flow Structures generated for our Truth Tables, so that we have to manually edit each structure so that they arent marked invalid.
Is there a way to bulk fix this? I dont want to have to edit each structure every time we upgrade.
[i]edited by Sissafriss on 6/4/2019[/i] -
You can perform an application-wide recompile by right-clicking any [b]Designer Folder[/b] > [b]Other[/b] > [b]Recompile Data Structures[/b].
This should behave similar to editing each structure (triggering recompile) and as such should trigger the generation of the missing CS files.
[i]edited by Brendan@decisions.com on 6/4/2019[/i]
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