Getting Date/Times in Different Timezones
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]I am trying to get the EST date and time when I say, get current date and time in decisions but it gets me UTC date and time. Is there any easier way to the EST date and time in decisions?[/font]
To check to see what your default timezone is set to, go under System > Settings > Portal Settings > Default Time Zone.
If the server is in UTC, but you want ET, you can either change the server to ET, or if the needs the server to be in UTC for some reason, you can use the step "Convert From UTC To Timezone" to get the ET (or any other timezone) value of the time.
Heres some more information on this. If your server is in UTC, but you want EST, you can either change your server to EST or you can use the step "Convert from UTC to Timezone".
Howdy, Stranger!
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