Creating an array of constants
Hello, Im trying to create a global variable which will list all of our parking locations (e.g. Garage 1, Garage 2, etc.). I dont want a variable for each location, but rather a variable thats more like an array containing all this information. The purpose of this is to use this in a drop down menu in several different flows. Im not sure how/the best way to go about this and was looking for some insight.
Follow up question: is there a way for me to filter these results based on the flow? For example, in one flow I may want to show ALL of our facilities, but in another flow I may only want to show a select few. How would this be possible?
The simplest way I can think to accomplish a globally accessible list of location for a dropdown is to store all the information in a database structure.
You can then use a Fetch Entities step to get all your locations and pass the result into a dropdown.
In the Fetch Entites step, there is a field for fetch criteria. This allows you to filter out your results with a constant or a value determined at runtime.
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