Lost My Password?!?!?

Lost My Password?!?!?


  • Okay. This is embarrassing!

    New Install.

    When I connected the first time, I used the “change” link to change the admin password. (I don’t remember doing this before. But I digress…)

    I was LITERALLY using a password manager (i.e. RoboForm) to capture the ID and Password while I typed. I didn’t copy/paste or enter the values myself. Weird!

    Somehow, I can’t login now. I get “Invalid Username or Password.”

    Do I just uninstall and reinstall the platform or is there a quicker way since I still have access to the host VM, installer, etc???


  • You can use the emergency password reset tool: https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/emergency-password-reset-tool[color=rgb(20, 20, 20)][font=\"Open Sans\

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