Stored Workflows
Could you please clarify firstly the difference between End Flow / Clear Data action in the UI and the Cancel Flow step found under integrations -internal services. I see the first one shows a state of Flow Complete where as the second one shows complete (with a note canceled)?What effect does this have on the database?
Is the step Clear Flow Data located in integrations -> internal services -> Flow execution service the same as the action in the UI End Flow / Clear Data? If not is there a way to replicate this action in a flow?
Hi Scott,
Just to keep you in the loop; Im currently working on a test case to examine the behavior of these three methods esp. pertaining to the database.
On the surface they appear to behave very similarly (which can be common among Internal Services steps), which is to say they all appear to clear the stored workflow from the list on the Flow Management page, but it remains to be seen the exact effect they have on the database.
[i]edited by on 5/2/2019[/i] -
Thanks for the update. Some further information that may help. I note that in the stored workflows UI it currently shows 10107 stored flows. I have a report that shows assignment data and we only have about 1100 actual assignments that return on the report. So my question is should a stored workflow be aligned to an active assignment? When looking up the Primary Flow Tracking Id against the Assignment data report the bulk of these 10000+ stored workflows dont correspond to anything. Are these orphaned flows? Is there an easy way to clean this up?
Those stored flows sound like they are orphaned, as assignments usually represent the majority of the stored workflows. Ive attached a cleanup query that should clear the orphaned data.
[b]Backup your database before running this query.
[/b]As for the steps mentioned in the original post, it still appears that they behave very similar to the Flow Management pages user action, the only obvious difference Ive noticed is that the flow steps delete the associated task from the inbox.Let me know how this query works out for you or if you have any further questions on this.
Howdy, Stranger!
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