Missing items in Portal Icon menu.
Hello. It looks like some of the menu options (like about and logout) are hidden when I click on the profile icon at the top right of the portal. Is there a setting that can correct this?
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]
[i]edited by ryan@decisions.com on 4/12/2019[/i]
[i]edited by ryan@decisions.com on 4/12/2019[/i] -
You can change the menu options that are shown in the Portal Settings. To get there, navigate to System/Settings/Portal Settings using the menus on the left side. \r\n[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att2[/img][/font][/color]\r\n\r\n\r\nYou can also navigate to Settings/Portal Settings from the menu when you click on your profile icon, if it is not hidden. \r\n[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att1[/img][/font][/color]\r\n\r\n[color=#7f8c8d]\r\n[/color]Once in the Portal Settings, scroll down until you find the sub-section of the same name. \r\n[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto][img]att4[/img][/font][/color]\r\n\r\n\r\nUnder the Portal Settings sub-section you will find several toggles for showing certain menu options. Check the boxes that say \"Show About In Header\" and \"Show Logout In Header\
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