Datagrid \add row\"/\"delete current row\" functions"
I have a datagrid that begins blank that I want users to be able to add rows to manually? How do I configure the datagrid to allow adding rows? I cant seem to figure this out. Similarly, if they have a row selected, Id like them to be able to delete it.
In order to add or delete rows from a data grid, you will have to add a "Data Grid Add Button" and a "Data Grid Remove Button" to the form. These form controls can be found under Data > Data Grid in the steps tree.
On the Data Grid properties panel, the Grid Mode option must be set to any option other than the "InfoOnly" option depending on your use case. Once the Grid Mode is set you will see two new options for Add Button and Remove Button. In the dropdown you will be able to select the buttons that were added to the form previously.
[img][/img]Please reference the follow document for more information:
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