Data Repeater Reference Data on the Parent Form
Howdy doo Decisionarinos!
I am applying some visibility rules to a data repeater and would like to reference data to the parent form to use for one of my visibility rules within the data repeater. I have been unsuccessful thus far and would like to know if this is possible.
Happy holidays!
[font=Roboto, sans-serif]Hi, I know of one method that has been used successfully to accomplish something similar. In order to get data from the parent form to the data repeater, add the data that you want as an input to the parent form. Then, on the data repeater create a data flow that takes the same variable in as input. Connect the start step to the end step and pass the variable back out. The data should then be able to be used for your visibility rule. It is important to use the same variable name throughout both forms everywhere it is used.[/font]
didnt work
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