Radio button value vs name
Is it possible to have a radio button “label” (value shown on the form) with a different value than what it sends? For example the radio option choice on the form says “ABC” but when chosen it sends a value of “XYZ”.
There are a couple of options you can do to accomplish this:
Method 1
[ul][li]To create a truth table that processes the display value and return the value you want to return.[/li][/ul]Method 2
[ul][li]Create a Flow Structure with the following fields: DisplayName and SelectedValue.[/li][li]On the radio button list component, you will want to select this Flow Structure as your Type (instead of String) with the Display Field set to "DisplayName."
[/li][li]In this method, you can have the form show the structures "DisplayName" and then handle the Flow Structures "SelectedValue" after the flow is submitted.[/li][/ul]
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