Display text as list
We have a new requirement to display a list of text on a form based on a query result from the db:
The user will choose a dropdown value on one form. Depending on what dropdown choice they chose, a list of text will be displayed on a different form.To accomplish this we are planning to build a Data Flow on the second form that will query the db for what dropdown option was chosen. From there what would you recommend for displaying the text? Displaying in either a read only textbox or in a label would be fine. If we crosswalk the returned lookup value in a truth table to get the text to display on the second form would there be a way to display it as a list (ie. can carriage return/line feeds be embedded in the truth table?) or is there another way?
I would join the string list using new line characters using a join string step and then display them in a multi-line textbox on this next form.
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