Flow to show Monthly Anniversary of accounts?

Flow to show Monthly Anniversary of accounts?


  • I’m looking for an answer to a possibly unconventional question. I want my Decisions environment to recognize employee monthly anniversaries. So if an employee joins on the 15th of June, I want a flow to be able to recognize his account each time it’s the 15th of the present month. Is this possible? If so, how?

  • Hello! This is absolutely possible. Below is an image of a built flow that can achieve your desired goal.

    This flow obtains all accounts and information that are within the specific instance, the current date, and the total number of days in the current month (calculated by the truth table). Then, it runs each account through a rule to determine if the account creation day of the month matches the current day of the month. It also is able to determine if the present day is the last day of the month, it incorporates any accounts that were created on days afterwards. For example, if an account was created January 31st, and the present day was February 28th, the rule would evaluate that our example account was celebrating an anniversary, as the current month would have no 31st.

    Flow Example:


    Truth Table Example:


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