Internal Services - Flow Edit Service

Internal Services - Flow Edit Service


  • I am exploring Internal Services and trying to read the values that are defined for a step but could not find a suitable method or report that I could use.

    I have a “Send Email” step in a flow as shown below. I am trying to use Integration -> Internal Services -> Flow Edit Service APIs to read/edit the flow. I can get the list of steps in that flow and the nodes like ”From”, “To” and the data definitions for these nodes.

    However, I could not read the data that is set for From (System Constants.pmofromemailid in this case) or the list of emails in To field.

    Could you please point me to any method or report that can fetch the data defined for the step?

  • You will not be successful using this service, but you can create a Designer Extension flow that does explode all these properties and give you good wrappers for them.

    System/Designers->Toolbox Customizations - > Designer Extensions.

    These flows you build here become actions you can run on flows.

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