Windows Server 2019/IIS and SQL 2019 Fail

Windows Server 2019/IIS and SQL 2019 Fail


  • Hello,
    I am trying to install the latest version of Decisions 7 on Windows 2019 / SQL 2019.Below are the installation steps I have taken (Per the install guide)

    • Install Windows 2019 and update all patches
    • Install .NET 5 Runtime (x64)
    • Install .NET 5 Hosting Bundle
    • Install SQL Management Studio (latest version) - This is a PoC box, otherwise SQL would be on another box
    • Install SQL 2019
    • Install IIS (All Features minus FTP)
    • Verified http://localhost shows IIS start page

    I have tried multiple times with different options, however, I always get a failed installation saying that localhost timed out (I get the same error if I do a virtual directory, /decisions, or if I install to root.
    * Attached is the actual log file, as if I post the 3 lines, I get an ASP error on /forum here

    If I open up http://localhost, I get an error 500.19 (0x8007000d). I have verified the web.config is valid. If I take out the AspNetCoreModuleV2 configuration from the web.config, I then get IIS to at least give an error that the directory cannot be listed. So it seems to be that it cannot load this module.

    However, the installation does install this file (prior to the fail), maybe not enough dll files though or something?

    FYI, as IIS is a requirement by our team, standalone hosting is not possible. However, it should be noted that on the same box, if I remove IIS, standalone hosting installation completes fine.

    Screenshots and log files attached
    [i]edited by daveram on 6/3/2021[/i]
    [i]edited by daveram on 6/3/2021[/i]
    [i]edited by daveram on 6/3/2021[/i]

  • Additional Notes

    • Tried to install into root of IIS
    • Tried to install as /decisions
    • Changed the Service Account (from LocalSystem to Local Administrator)
    • Tried DB as sa
    • Changed DB to Windows Authentication (with Service Account)
    • Removed IIS 6 Compatability Mode (as the install instructions dont have reference to what portions of IIS to install, so I installed all minus FTP)
  • Hello,

    Could you please confirm the following:

    1) You created a custom application pool for the Decisions service with these settings:

    - .NET CLR version: No Manage Code
    - Managed pipeline mode: Integrated
    - Enable Start application pool immediately
    - Start Mode: Always Running
    - Identity: Local System
    - Idle Time-out: 0
    - Enable 32-bit Applications: false

    2) "Regular Time Intervals" in the Recycling settings for the application pool is disabled / unchecked.

    3) Preload is enabled on the Decisions site in IIS after installation.

    For more information, please see our documentation detailing these IIS settings [url=]here[/url].

  • []Hello,

    Could you please confirm the following:

    1) You created a custom application pool for the Decisions service with these settings:

    - .NET CLR version: No Manage Code
    - Managed pipeline mode: Integrated
    - Enable Start application pool immediately
    - Start Mode: Always Running
    - Identity: Local System
    - Idle Time-out: 0
    - Enable 32-bit Applications: false

    2) "Regular Time Intervals" in the Recycling settings for the application pool is disabled / unchecked.

    3) Preload is enabled on the Decisions site in IIS after installation.

    For more information, please see our documentation detailing these IIS settings [url=]here[/url].[/quote]

  • I have tried two ways in regards to this,
    1. Let the installer create the application pool
    2. Followed the instructions before running setup and created the application pool per the instructions (which you highlighted)

    In addition, just to try something else, I performed the following also, which failed
    1. Change default website binding to 8080
    2. Create a new website with binding to port 80
    3. Create application pool per instructions
    4. Installed and used new website and application pool created

    Same results :(


    Could you please confirm the following:

    1) You created a custom application pool for the Decisions service with these settings:

    - .NET CLR version: No Manage Code
    - Managed pipeline mode: Integrated
    - Enable Start application pool immediately
    - Start Mode: Always Running
    - Identity: Local System
    - Idle Time-out: 0
    - Enable 32-bit Applications: false

    2) "Regular Time Intervals" in the Recycling settings for the application pool is disabled / unchecked.

    3) Preload is enabled on the Decisions site in IIS after installation.

    For more information, please see our documentation detailing these IIS settings [url=]here[/url].[/quote][/quote]

  • Just to close this out, in case anyone else runs into this, though I think this was possibly a mistake on my part.

    I recreated my image and what I didnt notice, is I was actually installing on Windows Server 2016 (w/ SQL 2019). Which still should of worked. The only thing I can think of is when installing IIS, as it requires additional files, I pointed it to CDROM:SourcesSxS.

    However, I believe I used the Server 2019 server DVD, not the Server 2016 DVD. Weird that Windows didnt complain and IIS worked. However, there must of been some mismatch on soimething. Chalk it up to too much multi-tasking :(

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