Dynamic Number of Drop Downs
I have a question in regards to capability.
Is it possible to build a button that dynamically adds drop downs. Like for example we have 10 optional requirements and between our stages if we need to add one of those optional requirements is it possible to dynamically build it within the form. Ex: we have 1 of those optional requirements could we create a button that adds 3 drop downs and boxes.Our other question regarding this is since it’s dynamic would there be a problem fetching this data later on our flow since it is dynamic. Would there be problems or would it be fine fetching?
Yes that is absolutely do-able.
There is a form component that we call a Data Repeater that allows you to have a dynamic number of things or objects appear on a single form. You can even add Data Repeater buttons on your form to add additional repeating items or remove them.Here is a link to our documentation site that can walk you through this step by step: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/create-repeater-form-control]https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/create-repeater-form-control[/url]
There shouldnt be any issues about getting to this data. You could have it living in the memory of the flow OR even store the values. What you choose might depend on your use case.
Thanks! I will check this out.
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