Copying and Pasting Entire Flows
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=Roboto]Hello,[/font][/color]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=Roboto]I was wondering if there was a way to copy and paste all of the steps from one flow into another flow.[/font][/color]
Hello Struudle,
Yes there is. In the flow you wish to copy from:
Select all of the steps by clicking and dragging across until they are encapsulated by the created square
[img]att1[/img]Select the Group option located at the top of the screen
[img]att2[/img]Click in the empty white space of the flow designer, click one of the steps, then select copy at the top of the screen
[img]att3[/img]In the same tab, close the flow and open the flow for the steps to be pasted in and select paste at the top of the screen
[img]att4[/img]On selecting one of the steps there should be an option to ungroup them at the top of the screen as well.
I way to expedite this process as well would be to place the flow to be copied from as a sub-flow in the flow you are pasting to.
[i]edited by on 3/28/2019[/i]
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