Convert a Datatype in to a Stringed List

Convert a Datatype in to a Stringed List


  • Hi,

    How do I convert a datatype into a list of properties?

    [i]edited by on 3/27/2019[/i]

  • Hello,

    Are you looking for "Object Properties to Data Pairs" or List Mapping Step?

  • Object Properties to Data Pairs < this is a awesome step! and yes exactly that!

  • It looks like this only works for simple data types. Is there a way to get a List of all properties with or without values?

  • You can get a list of properties and their types for any custom datatype by running:

    use [DBname]
    relationship_name as Property,
    related_to_data_type as Type
    where data_structure = [namespace].[typename]
    order by relationship_name asc

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