Which account does Decisions use to install?

Which account does Decisions use to install?


    1. While installing the Decisions, in one step it asks for user account. For example, I used Account-1.
    2. In the next step for Database Setup, I chose the Windows authentication. Our Sys Admin (for example Account-2) is installing Decisions on the server.
      In this case, since I mention Windows Authentication, does the installer use Account-1 or Account-2 for the Database operations?

    Why this question is, if Decisions use Account-2 for all database operations, I should give Account-2 access to the Database.
    And in different times, different user from Sys Admin team performs the installation.

  • Hello,

    Decisions is installed by the service account specified in step 1 and not the user who started the installer.

    Please, let us know if you have any additional questions


    [i]edited by erik@decisions.com on 3/26/2019[/i]

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