Issues with saving entities and fetching entities
I’m running a list mapping step to a temporary simpleflowdata solution. The idea is to compare this data to a history table. In order to do that, I need to store data in it first. I’m using the save entities step to store some order information in it so I can fetch it later. There appears to be a data incompatibility issue when running the debugger but the data coming from the temp types (simpleflowstructure) and the history table (simpledatastructure) all match data types. So I’m not sure where the incompatibility lies.
This sounds like youre trying to assign a simple flow structure to a simple data structure. Even though they have the same properties, you cant assign one data structure type to another data structure type.
What you can do is select [i]Build Data[/i] in input mapping for the structure you want to assign to and map the matching properties to one another.
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