Entity Id vs Folder Id for Entities
I am creating an entity (let’s call it Object): I have set the Folder Id to “Object.Configuration” and then I set the EntityFolderID to be the Folder Id of another folder, let’s call it XXX. When I populate the entity and save it, the data shows up in the folder “Object.Configuration” not in the Folder whose folder ID is XXX.
What are the roles of the two different folder ids on an entitys Create Step?
[color=rgb(34, 34, 34)][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For the Create {Entity} step, the Folder ID and EntityFolderId sections are the same thing. Essentially, the Folder Id field was placed there to indicate that this is required for entities. The reason why your scenario occurred is because the step prioritizes the Folder ID field and overwrites the value youve placed in EntityFolderID.[/font][/color]
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