Mapping Assignment Data to Entity Extension Data
We have a main flow that initially runs a subflow to create a task that is assigned to a group (add task external form). We then have a separate flow that will be called via rest api to Change Assignment" that is remove the assigned group and add assignment for user. The user will work the task and pass a result back to the main flow and via a stringmatch the main flow will continue.
We also have a EntityExtensionDataStructure to extend the Assignment Service which is used to capture various data members passed in during the execution of the flow.
What we are trying to achieve is mapping the "assignedTo" data member from the "Assignment Service" to update a data member in our EntityExtension after the "Change Assignment" flow has been run. So far all efforts result in a null value being returned. (see attached screen shots).
Could you please advise how we might achieve this mapping?"
Hi Scott,
I cannot speak with certainty without having a chance to look at how the Flows are setup and the fields are currently mapped but adding an Edit YourEntityExtension (through UserDefinedTypes → Entity Extensions → YourEntityExtension) at the end of your Change Assignment Flow and mapping the users email into the AssignedToUser field should populate the extension.
Please try this and let me know if it works. If not, Id appreciate it if I can get an export of these Flows with their dependencies. For information on how to export, please refer
Howdy, Stranger!
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