Tree View control
The Tree View Form Control allows users to display a list of Strings in a tree-like structure and outputs the selected String.
To add child-nodes to the parent node, youll have to use /" as the separator between the parent and child node. Please refer screenshots.
[img][/img]" -
In case content contains Date value (eg 12/09/2020) then how to let tree control it is not a separator?
[]The Tree View Form Control allows users to display a list of Strings in a tree-like structure and outputs the selected String.
To add child-nodes to the parent node, youll have to use "/" as the separator between the parent and child node. Please refer screenshots.
[img][/img][/quote] -
Hey Trung,
We currently dont have any way to change the separator from /. You will need to make use of a different separator on your Dates for your requirements.
Howdy, Stranger!
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